Board Meetings

As the legislative branch of the Village of New Windsor government, the Board holds open public meetings where local laws, policies, and basic decisions for the village are discussed and decided. The Village President pesides over all Board Meetings.

The President and Board members are elected at large to serve 4 year terms. Elections are held every 2 years to stagger the terms of the board members. Municipal elections in the State of Illinois are held every 2 years in March.  

Board meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month unless that date happens to be a federal holiday in which case the meeting may be moved to the following Tuesday of that week or to the Monday of the following week. Unless otherwise advertised the meeting loation for all board meetins will be the New Windsor Village Hall located at 125 North 3rd Avenue, New Windsor, IL 61465. Any change in location will be advertised well before the meeting date.  

The meeting dates for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 may be found on the Event Calendar on this Website or you may click the link below to download a complete list.  

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