Police Department

The Village of New Windsor Police Department is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our citizens through professionally supported and trained police officers. Officers strive to provide an environment that will allow citizens to live and work in a safe and secure community.

The New Windsor Police Department is housed within the Village of New Windsor Village Hall but you are more likely to find them on safety patrols of the village streets and providing backup, when requested, to other nearby state, county and local police.

If you need to contact the New Windsor Police Department, and it is NOT an emergency, please call their office at (309) 667 - 2601 and leave a message or please call the Mercer County Sherriff's Office on their non-emergency number, (309) 582-5194 and they will relay a message to the New Windsor Police Department or an on-duty New Windsor police officer, if there is one at that time. The New Windsor Police Department can also be reached via email using the 'Contact Us' link in the upper right corner.  

If you are witnessing a crime in progress or are experiencing an emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

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