Water Rates & Policies
The New Windsor Water Department provides a water meter at each home or business in the village coverage area that meausures the amount of water delivered to that location each month. Each location is charged a minimum monthly fee with additional fees for gallons utilized above the minimum amount. Both water and sewer fees are based on the amount of water used each month.
Currently the village is in the process of upgrading all the meters to provdie automatic delivery of meter readings to a central database for reporting and billing purposes. While this upgrade process is in progress, all service locations are being charged the minimum amounts.
The village provides water and sewer services to the 'mains' located along the village streets and the village is responsible for the maintenance of the main lines. A water shutoff is provded in the main line at each service location. The buiding owner owns and is responsible for the water and sewer lines between the main lines and their building as well as all inernal plumbing at their location. The water department maintains ownership of, and is responsible for, the water meter at each location.
Each building with restroom facilities, is required to connect to the village sewage system. Septic tanks are no longer allowed for buildings within the village limits.
Water and Sewer services are billed monthly. Please consult your bill or follow the 'Payments Options' link on the Home Page of this website for your payment options.
Should you experience a problem with your water or sewer service or have any questions, including those related to billling, please use the 'Contact Us' link in the upper right corner of his website. To report a water or sewer issue after hours, please call the Water Superintendent, Mike Johnson, directly at (309) 667-2344 for his home telephone line or his cell phone at (309) 371-9163.